There’s a spooky spike in home insurance claims during the Halloween season, many of which your home insurance policy covers! From vampiric vandals to frightful fires, there are countless Halloween hazards all homeowners should be prepared for. That’s where we come in – our insurance experts are here to tell you all about some common Halloween claims and how to manage the mischief!
Halloween Home Insurance Claims to Avoid
1. Property Crime
To put it into perspective, consider this grim statistic: crime-related insurance claims increase by up to 24% on Halloween night, alone! From harmless hauntings of TP in your trees to more troublesome tricks like broken windows, your home insurance can really come in handy amidst the mischief. If you wake up November 1st to a vandalized vehicle or house of horrors, you should check your policy deductible to make sure filing a claim is worth it. Even if the damage is extensive enough to justify filing, you may also want to consider how that claim will impact your insurance premiums.
2. Freaky Fires
Any true Halloween fan knows that nothing gets you into the spirit more than the flickering flames of candelight! While lighting your favorite candles may really bring that ghoulish glow and eerie ambiance to the evening, make sure to blow every candle out before retiring to bed. Although this may seem like an obvious piece of advice, you’d be surprised by the major uptick in candle-related house fires on Halloween! While your home insurance covers fire damage up to your limit, it still may be wise to ditch the fire for some flickering LED candles. This counts doubly for your jack-o-lanterns!
Home Insurance Claims: Frightening Fact
A recent study attributes 30% of liability claims paid by insurers on Halloween to bites from anxious dogs!
3. Ravenous Robbers
Remember that statistic we mentioned before about the 24% spike in crime-related claims on Halloween night? Well, here’s an even scarier statistic: 60% of crime-related claims are for on-premesis theft! Although your home insurance covers damage or theft up to a limit, it’s still wise to check your deductible to determine whether or not it’s worth it to file a claim! However, your best best for protection is prevention – keep the peremeters of your home well-lit, and keep a watchful eye on your home and property for midnight monsters!
4. Decor Disasters
In the middle of a fierce feud with your neighbor over who does Halloween best, liabilities are probably the last thing on your mind. However, before you get too carried away and buy that coveted 12-ft skeleton from Home Depot, consider this caviat: if a trick-or-treater trips over your display, you will likely be found liable! In fact, one of the most common claims of all on Halloween come from a premesis-liability related accident. While we are all for getting into the spirit for Halloween, don’t over do it with the devilishly delightful decor!
Beyond Halloween Home Insurance Claims
While your home insurance goes a long way in protecting your house from the Halloween hubbub, its value extends much further. Your home insurance protects the people, pets, and valuables most precious to you. Considering how much your home insurance policy can do for you, it only makes sense to customize your coverage to suit your specific needs!

Home Insurance Claims?
Your lifestyle and home are uniquely your own – why shouldn’t your home insurance policy be? Learn more about your home insurance coverage options, and how the Lifetime team can help!

Tackle Home Insurance Claims with Our Help
While you now have some pro tips to protect your home from the things that go bump in the night this Halloween, our team at Lifetime can build you an insurance plan that will keep your family and house safe all year long! For custom coverage and savings to scream over, give us a shriek at (972) 771-2622 or darken our doorstep by visiting our website!

Scare Up Some Savings with Lifetime
The insurance pros at Lifetime can find the perfect policy to manage the mischief and protect your home year-round!