Spooky Insurance Stats for 2022
Spooky season is upon us, and we have put together a list of insurance stats for 2022 that will be sure to give you goosebumps! (Or – at the very least – inspire you to look over your current coverage with an expert and shop some policies.) From hair-raising rate hikes to black holes in the average policy-holder’s coverage, our insurance experts are here to educate you on some 2022 insurance shifts and provide some insight on ways you can improve your coverage and even save a little dough!
Spooky Insurance Stats
Spooky title aside, we aren’t here just to share frightening statistics about insurance with you. In fact, we hope to help inspire you to give your current coverage a closer look. And who knows – you may even discover ways to scare up some new savings on your insurance policies! Continue reading to learn more about it.
♦ 2022 Spooky Insurance Stats ♦
1. 16% of consumers say they need life insurance but don't have it.
While this is certainly a frightening fact, it’s not altogether surprising. It’s not unusual to avoid thinking about being 6-feet under by burying your head 6-feet under the sand. Although life insurance may not seem like a necessity, your loved ones will benefit immensely when the time comes. From helping with the final expenses of your burial and funeral arrangements, to providing a financial nest egg, the right life insurance policy will help you rest in peace knowing your loved ones are taken care of.
2. About 2.57% of the average household income is spent on auto insurance.
Between inflation and the rising prices of everything from groceries to gas, the horror of rising insurance prices has probably eluded many of us. However, the truth is stranger than fiction; 2.57% of the average household income this year has gone to auto insurance payments! While we unfortunately cannot control the market rate hikes, we can help you shop your auto insurance policy among multiple carriers and explore discounts and lower-cost coverage options that might be available to you.
Ghostly Insurance Fact
In 2002, a british landlord insured his pub against the hijinx of a resident poltergeist. The cost? $800 USD/year! While we don’t offer poltergeist policies, we can help you insure your business. Click for a quote!
Now that we’ve shared a real insurance ghost story, let’s get back to some even scarier real-world stats! Read on to learn more about how insurance has shifted in 2022.
3. An estimated 6% of drivers on the road are uninsured.
This frightening fact is brought to you by the Insurance Research Council. If you happen to have a daily commute for work, this stat should be particularly paralyzing to hear! Although 6% may not sound like a large enough number to lose sleep over, the last thing you want to face is an accident on the road with another driver from that uninsured 6%. That’s why it’s all the more important to make sure your coverage is substantial enough to protect you from the financial fright of an auto accident with an uninsured driver.
4. Texas had the 5th highest insurance rate hikes this year.
If this stat doesn’t haunt your nightmares, you must not have a pulse! According to Bankrate, Texans can expect a 6.2% rate increase this year in their insurance premiums, making us the 5th ranking state for rate hikes! As we previously pointed out, we cannot wave a wand over your insurance policies and lower the rates, but we can help you proactively shop your coverage and trim the fat, if need be. There may even be some discounts that you weren’t aware are available to you. You’ll never know until you shop around!
♦ Scare Up Some Insurance Savings ♦
Now that we’ve shared some of the spookiest insurance stats for 2022, we hope you don’t have too many nightmares! But if your current coverage rates or lack of coverage has already been giving you nightmares, let our insurance experts help ease your troubled mind. Give us a call today at (972) 771-2622 or visit our website for a quote from one of our agents.